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Saanane Island National Park

The Saanane national park is one of the national parks found in east Africa, particularly Tanzania. It was established as the first animal garden in the country by the government. Its establishment came as a result of the sole need to conserve the environment and natural resources as well as providing education to the society about conserving natural resources and environments as well

The Saanane national park was named after the founder of the national park which was initially recognized as an animal garden called, Saanane Chawandi. Between 1964 and 1966 various wild animals were moved to Saanane island. 



Some of the animals were buffalo, elephant, zebra, crocodiles, impala and giraffe. Dangerous animals like hippos were also moved in groups and were isolated from other animals.


The Saanane national park has a size of 2.18 square kilometers and it is located about 2 kilometers southwest far from the center of the Mwanza region.


Some of the activities done on the island are like climbing rocks, watching animals, watching various species of birds on the island, walking trips, and canoeing by using native boats through agencies of tourism. These and some more other activities make the area so attractive and enjoyable when someone visits it.

Birding at Sanaane

Also, the aquatic nature of the Saanane island national park is another tourist attraction; aquatic means living things that are located in the water bodies. 



It is very interesting to meet some fishes like the tilapia fish and the famous species known as the Nile perch. People can decide to go and visit the island for enjoying aquatic life.



Bush lunch and fast food are also available in the place; in Saanane island national park is very simple to get natural made food. It is very different for today and a few years ago when you compare the two. In some years ago we depended on most of the food imported from foreigners while ours were present in the country.