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Mkomazi National Park

Mkomazi National Park (NP) is a 1,249 square mile park in the north east of Tanzania, near the Kenyan border. Herds of migratory species can be found in an area dominated by Acacia-Commiphora vegetation and with mountains rising in every direction.


Upgraded from a game reserve to national park status in 2006, Mkomazi lies in the southern tip of the Sahel zone, a classic dry-country reserve of grey-green nyika bush, ancient baobab trees and isolated rocky hills.


Mkomazi is the southern tip of the Sahel zone. It is a classic dry-country reserve of grey-green nyika bush, ancient baobab trees and isolated rocky hills. Elsewhere, the seas of bush give way to open savannah woodlands of umbrella acacias and mbugas – shallow valleys of grassland.


The animals, too, are typical of the arid nyika. Giraffe, oryx, gerenuk, hartebeest, lesser kudu, eland, impala and Grant’s gazelle share the reserve with elephant, buffalo, and numerous predators, including lion, leopard and cheetah. In all, 78 species of mammals have been recorded.


The birds of Mkomazi are even more numerous, with over 400 recorded species. Doves, hornbills, weavers and guinea-fowl are all present in large numbers – as well as such striking species as the martial eagle and violet wood-hoopoe.


The Dry season, from June to October, is the best time for general wildlife viewing in the park. However, the park isn’t a prime wildlife viewing destination and the scenery and views of the mountains are at their best in the Wet season, from November to May.


This is also the best time to see elephants migrating into the park from Tsavo.

Why should you go to Mkomazi park?

  • The park is not well known and because of that it has its charm. Its not crowdy and the animals are acting natural.
  • Almost all species can be found.
  • Mkomazi is vital refuge for two highly endangered species, the charismatic black rhino and sociable African wild dog
  • It’s a cheap alternative for the northern national parks