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06 Days Mt. Kilimanjaro Trekking – Machame Route


You will be picked and transferred to the accommodation in Arusha. Your guides will be introduced to you and they will check with the facilities you have for the trekking. If anything is missing you can buy or hire in Arusha but we recommend you come with all that you are requested to come with.

Day 1 

After a drive to the Machame trail (1800m), you will start hiking through the lush lower slopes of Mt.Kilimanjaro.Slowly gaining altitude while admiring the diverse flora and fauna of the rain forest; you will arrive to your first campsite which is the Machame Camp, situated at 3000m above sea level.(Hiking time: 5-7hrs).Lunch at the half way to Machame Hut. Walking in the rain forest enjoy seeing the monkeys and different kinds of birds and flowers.

Day 2 

A short distance walking but a bit steeper with our well trained guides you will be well instructed and soon you will be walking through the savannah, and continue up a gentler ascent through the lower alpine moorland, which is notable for beautiful wild alpine flowers and the unique Giant Lobelia and giant groundsel (senecio)plants.Traverse across the Shira Plateau west towards a river the gorge; If it is clear day,you will have direct views of Kibo,the peak and ultimate goal of your adventure.Here you’ll camp at Shira Cave Campsite,at 3840m,(Hiking time: 4-5hrs)hence lunch at Campsite.

After a short rest from the lunch time you will hike up to Shira two Hut for acclimatization where you can meet other people from other routes like Lemosho and Shira route and to see the nice peak of Shira peak and Shira plateau. You will hike back to the Shira cave campsite for dinner and an overnight.

Day 3

Today we turn east and continue to climb ‘’pole pole ‘’ (slowly,slowly) through increasingly rocky and barren terrain. We have lunch and ascend the rockyscree path to the Lava Tower (4630m).From the Lava Tower,we descend steeply for 2hours,more than 600m,into the Great Barranco Valley.This descent affords fantastic views and some great photo opportunities of the Western Breach and Breach Wall.You will feel the benefits of this acclimatization day as we lose altitude down to the camp,situated at 3950m.(Hiking time: 7-8hrs)

Day 4

This is a day with the different options depending on the number of days chosen by the clients.

For the seven days climbers they tackle the Great Barranco Wall – an imposing face above your camp.A steady climb up the eastern wall takes us just below the Heim Glacier,where we may have some an

Awesome views of Mt.Kilimanjaro Uhuru peak.Our trail continues down into the alpine desert of the Karanga Valley.

For the six days climbers,will go directly to Barafu Base camp while the seven days climbers will spend a night at Karanga Hut.

The six days clients will…

Tackle the Great Barranco Wall – an imposing face above your camp. A steady climb up the eastern wall takes us just below the Heim Glacier,where we may have some awesome views of Mt.Kilimanjaro.Our trail continues down into the alpine desert of the Karanga Valley.Beyond the valley,we climb the trail through this empty and dry landscape up to Barafu Camp.The two peaks Kibo and Mawenzi can been seen from our camp,Barafu,perched at 4600m.Here you’ll familiarize yourself with the terrain before dark,and prepare your equipment and thermal clothing for the midnight.

Wake up before mid night. In the cover of darkness, you will begin the most rewarding moment of the trek,you will hike up to the top of Mt.Kilimanjaro.After several hours of slow but strenuous hiking,you will reach the rim of the main crater,Stella Point,at 5685m. Continue on through the scree and snow-covered trail to Uhuru peak,which is the highest point in Africa,at 5895m. Take a few minutes to appreciate your accomplishment,with enough time to take pictures and see this beautiful glacier cover of the Kibo pick and the wonderful views that you might had never seen before in your life.(Hiking time 7-8hrs and after the summit 3hrs back to the base camp,having lunch and short rest before continue hike down to the Millennium Camp 3700m which is 2hrs or going down to Mweka Camp 3100m a 4-5hrs.

Day 5


The very short hiking day of 3-4hrs to Barafu Base Camp walking in an Alpine desert where you will be able to see a great view of Kibo and Mawenzi peak.The lunch will be served at base camp and dinner today will be early as you need time to rest before the midnight summit hiking.

You will start hiking to the summit around 12:00 midnight and get to the Kibo peak at the summit which is Uhuru peak 5895m which will be around 7:30 in the morning with the great sunrise view.Take photos and see the great view of Mount Meru,Northern ice field with the Crater.

You will descend back to the base camp have lunch and a short rest before going down to the last camp (Millennium or Mweka Camp).

Day 6 


Mweka Camp 3100m or Millennium Camp 3700m to Mweka Gate to Arusha

Enjoy the forest and higher oxygen levels of the slopes of Mt.Kilimanjaro as you complete this Adventure. Upon arrival atthe Mweka gate,successful hikers will receive their summit certificates.From the Mweka Gate you will continue down into the Mweka village for lunch, normally a muddy 1-hrs hike.At the Mweka gate you will meet our drive and after receiving your certificates and depart to Arusha. Upon arrival to Arusha in the afternoon,relax,or have that much-deserved shower.(Hiking time: From Millennium 4-5 while from Mweka Camp 3hrs).